“Every dog has its own day.” This is what my buddies used to state when I would win the dispute over them in a sarcastic way. And the same utterances come out of everyone’s mouth when they are in an argument out of ridiculous jokes and their friends take it so seriously that nobody can resist. “What the hell was I here for and what the hell I’m becoming now”, I thought to myself lying on the dusty bed that I never bothered to clean until somebody pointed out so defectively. Now I’m here heading the night of the Valentine’s Day, 2012 and plentiful thoughts are running down my nerves automatically. How uninteresting lecture would it be to attend the lectures when I could not get how the nerve would be but now I was thinking how this nerves could resist these thoughts. “Couldn’t they get completely shattered when these jam-packed cells were outrageously tortured.” I was thinking so stupid things now when I realized I was so exhausted and wanted to snooze for a while.
Just then when I positioned my pillow over my belly which is usually placed underneath the head while we sleep I wanted to yell out so loud that every worry would flee in the open space. But I didn’t do that and if I did so also I would be taken before of the warden the very moment. “What a fetish life”, I thought over again. Then I just rested on the bed with my headphones in, volume up and offer no ears to the guys around who visited as if they came to hunt my room with an seize warrant.
Today I was to celebrate valentine’s day but with whom. Ah! I have so loads of paired guys here, at least with them. Just recite an hour long prayer for their long journey to this unclean game they played in the name of love and hang about as if you are non human but a cold blooded creature that everyone had the terror in them. And go about from room to room in search of nothing and throw away time and lastly to the bed at 2:30 AM. And at that time realize that you did get the good night SMS six and half hours back.
The Dusty Bed!
Woo! Is it really a life here? That’s not what I label life as plus I can with no uncertainties say that my life is going just the conflicting direction what I have just thought it would be like when I came over here. Hot atmosphere, dusty path, mosquito’s singings and piglets scribbling around with no sign of greenery and here I’m to studying a professional course. Who would have thought it would be this way here with the approach of summer days. The moment I open my books I feel as if I am familiar with everything and then when it comes to put pen to paper no words show sign of life. Life is not as cool as you witness in the motion pictures about the way they illustrate the college life would be like. The misery has its way down the first day I joined the college and couldn’t get rid of till now. This is neither mine nor anybody’s error but that I am suffering but the way existence is and have to accept it unreservedly. Just then to reflect it in slight broader way this gives me a opportunity to learn lessons out of it but the way I’m taught lessons, I hate it from top to bottom. But I am at least contented that I am still unable to abscond away from my life. So it would be a glad path if I could only march just the way back I just arrived.
But there is by no means regret in my mind unless a star reminds me of it. So is the new day for the love birds tomorrow and a start of new-fangled life for them and so is the similar for me but not the way into love but the way into what I am here for. “A first-class undergraduate and a companion”, Just to close my still protruding eyes into my paradise to wake up fresh next date. When I just over and done with typing a lengthy tale with no meaning just to realized that nobody would read.